We the people of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, compelled by our faith in Jesus Christ, strive to be a community centered in the Eucharist and rooted in the Word of God. We commit ourselves to be educated in the truth, promote the dignity of human life and be faithful stewards of God's gifts. Called to holiness, we dedicate ourselves to the ongoing mission of Christ through the celebration of the sacraments, evangelization and service to others. Through charity we endeavor to live the unity prayed for by Jesus: "Father, may they all be one so that the world may believe." John 17:21
We are a parish which is made up of our mother church Our Lady of Sorrows in La Joya and five mission churches, which are spread throughout our community. San Jose in Contreras; San Isidro in Las Nutrias, San Antonio in Sabinal; San Juan in Veguita, San Antonio in Abeytas, With such a wide area we are able to bring Christ's Word to many in our community.
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish would like to invite you to join us each Sunday for Mass. To respond to God's mercy with lives of praise and joyful service. If you are visiting us, we pray that God will bless you abundantly during your time with us. We invite you to make Our Lady of Sorrows your spiritual home.
Baptism/Bautismos: Registration at the parish office, preferably before child is born. . Registro por un bautismo in la oficina perferentement antes de que el nino nace.
Baptism classes/Clases de Bautismo: Class will be on request. Please call the office to register for the class. Clases de Bautismo, Las clases serán a petición, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia para pedir las clases.
Catecism/CCD/Catecismo: Religious Education for grades Kindergarden through High school. Registration in August. Students that register must provide a baptismal certificate at the time of registration.
First Communion is a two year program, students must register by second grade, students must attend Mass and class regularly. Students must provide a baptismal certificate.
Confirmation is a two year program, students must register when they are in eighth grade, the student must be 15 and in High School by the end of their second year of confirmation class. The student must complete 50 hours of community service, attend a confirmation retreat, and must attend Mass regularly. Students must provide a baptismal and First Communion Certificate.
Marriage/Matrimonios: Six month notice necessary at the parish office. Obligation preparation classes required. Hablar con el padre 6 meses con anticipacion. Por favor llame a la oficina para ser cita con el Padre.
Anointing of the Sick/Uncion del Enfermo: On request-call 505-864-4170
Confessions/La Reconciliacion/Confesiones: 30 minutes before all the Masses or by appointment. 30 minuto antesw de todas las Misas o por nombramiento 505-864-417
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Hall Project Fundraiser. We need a new parish hall, offices and class rooms. Fundraisers for the funding is on the way. If you wish to Help feel free to send in your donation to the parish office with memo "Parish Hall Project". We want to thank you in advance for your gracious and generous donations to our project.
TURKEY BINGO: November 17, 2024 from 1 to 4pm! Come and win a turkey or try and win one of our Turkey Baskets or theamed baskets.
Fr. Tobe along with the Pastoral Council have made the following revision to the Mass schedule which will begin on June 5th.
Weekday Mass: 9:00 am in La Joya on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. (does not fulfill Sunday obligation Mass). NO Mass on Wednesday.
First Friday in Contreras:
8:00 am Adoration, 9:00am Mass.
Weekend Mass:
Unity Mass-First Sunday of the month at 9:30 am in La Joya.
Fifth Sunday of the month at 9:30 am in Contreras.
Others Sunday Masses:
8:30 am Abeytas 10:30 am in Las Nutrias
8:30 am Sabinal 10:30 am in Veguita
Holy Day of Obligation:
9:00 am & 6:30 pm in La Joya
Special Mass:
Only one Mass in La Joya. Times can be found on the parish bulletin, the week before the Mass.
Mission Fiesta:
9:30 am at the Mission church.
Padre Tobe junto con el Consejo Pastoral han hecho la siguiente revisión del horario de misas que comenzará el 5 de junio.
Misa entre semana: 9:00 am en La Joya los lunes, martes, jueves, viernes y sábado. (no cumple con la obligación de la misa dominical). NO hay misa el miércoles.
Misa de fin de semana:
Misa de Unidad-Primer Domingo del mes a las 9:30 am en La Joya. Quinto domingo a las 9:30 am en Contreras
Otras misas de Domingo:
8:30 am Abeytas 10:30 am en Las Nutrias
8:30 am Sabinal 10:30 am en Veguita
Día de Obligación:
9:00 am y 6:30 pm en La Joya
Misa especial:
Solo una Misa en La Joya
Fiesta de la Misión:
9:30 am en la iglesia de la Misión.
ASF-Archbishop John C Wester
Civilize It: Dignity beyond the Debate
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of putting our faith in action through engagement in the political process. Don’t allow the vitriolic rhetoric you hear to turn you and others off from engaging in the public square. Join Civilize It, a Catholic call for all people to honor each other’s dignity by engaging in respectful dialogue. Take the pledge and find resources at www.CivilizeIt.org to bring civility to your home, school, workplace, and community.
Political Engagement and our Baptismal Call
In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics about the call to participate in political life. “In the Catholic tradition,” they write, “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation” (no. 13). Visit www.FaithfulCitizenship.org today to read the statement, along with a new letter, watch new videos, and access other great resources. Take steps to form your conscience!
Remember to Vote… Be a Faithful Citizen.
Visit FaithfulCitizenship.org to explore how you can love your neighbors by advocating as a faithful citizen on behalf of those who are poor and vulnerable. As you prepare to vote this week, read the U.S. bishops’ statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, watch videos and access other great resources on faithful citizenship. www.FaithfulCitizenship.org
Parish Policy on Distribution of Campaign Materials
During this election season, our parish will be utilizing materials from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship and Civilize It. These materials are non-partisan and seek to help Catholics engage in the political process with an informed conscience, as our faith calls us to do. Distribution of other election-related materials on church property will not be permitted. Among other activities, posting flyers or signs, passing out campaign literature, and leaving unauthorized materials anywhere in the building or on car windshields, are prohibited. Policy and Guidelines Pertaining to Prohibited Campaign Activities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe can be found here. We appreciate your compliance with this policy.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Has Started. Please make you pledge now. You can make you pledge and payments on line at the Archdicocese website ( you can scrow down to our section on "Our Partners and click on the ACA Link) or you can come to the parish and make your pledge or make your payment there. Blessing to you all. Please be generous.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION /EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Our Lady of Sorrows will offer religious education classes.
Classes offered will be/Las clases ofrecidas seran:
K-2nd Grade/Grado K-2
First year first communion/Primera Comunion primer ano
First year confirmation/Confirmacion primer ano
Day & Time for All Classes- TBA
Día y hora para todas las clases - TBA
Legion of Mary:
The Legion of Mary is available to recite the Rosary for your loved ones funeral, call the parish office. During the month of May the Rosary will be prayed in English Monday through Friday at 10:30 am except on Tuesday which will be after Mass at our San Antonio Mission in Abeytas in Spanish Monday through Friday at 5:00 pm at the San Juan Mission in Veguita.
El rosario durante todo el mes de mayo se recitara en espanol: de lunes a viernes a las 5:00 pm en la Mision de San Juan en Veguita. En ingles: de lunes a viernes a las 10:30 am, excepto el martes que sera despues de la misa en nuestra Mision de San Antonio en Abeytas.
BRICK FUNDRAISER - If you wish to make a contribution to our Brick Fundraiser please come to the office to pick up an order form or contact Karen 864-4461 or you can download order form, go to bulletins and flyers and click on Brick order form.
Cualquier persona interesada en contribuir con la recaudación de fondos de Ladrillos, por favor venga a la oficina para recoger un formulario de pedido o contacte a Karen en la oficina 864-4461.
If anyone is interested in serving God and the church community by becoming an alter server adults or children who has received their first communion or an usher please call the office or plan to attend the class: Alter servers starting May 8th and 10th, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00pm at the church in Las Nutrias. Ushers now serving as an ushers or you wish to serve as an usher please attend a one time class on Wednesday May 16th at 6:30 pm in the church in Las Nutrias. See You There.
¡NecesitaMOS! MONAGUILLOS Y LOS UJIERS (todos son bienvenidos)
si alguien está interesado en servir a Dios y a la comunidad de la iglesia por ser un monaguillos, adultos o niños que ha recibido su primera comunión o un ujier por favor llame a la oficina o un plan para asistir a la clase: Monaguillos; comenzando el 8 y 10 de mayo, los días martes y jueves a las 6:00 pm en la iglesia de Las Nutrias. Ujieres que ahora están sirviendo como ujieres o desea ser un uj
Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce a new venture starting next week.
When: Tuesday, April 28th at 2 p.m. on our YouTube Channel, This link will take you directly to our channel.
This show will be hosted by Andrea, our Young Adult Coordinator every Tuesday and Thursday @ 2pm, she's funny, she's quirky and she's excited to share in the faith and also some easy home recipes and whatever else she can come up with! So, tune in and enjoy!
Archdiocese of Santa Fe-Notice of deadline for filing claims relating to or arising from sexual abuse document and Sexual abuse proof of claim forms can be found and downloaded below under the heading "Archdiocese of Santa Fe Documents" and at https://archdiosf.org.
The Spanish Language T“Know Your Rights” Resources for Immigrants USCCB Migration and Refugee Services has new materials available to assist immigrants who may be targeted for deportation, including “Know Your Rights” videos in English and Spanish, and bilingual materials on “Nine Ways to Protect Yourself” and “Transitioning to a New Administration: How Can We Assist Immigrants and Refugees” You can access these materials at www.justiceforimmigrants.org You can help distribute them in your faith community or wherever immigrants gather.
Taizé Prayer Service
Leave the noise of modern life behind for an evening of prayer!
Build your relationship with Jesus Christ through song, scripture, silence and contemplation with the young adults of the Archdiocese!
Attend the next prayer service in the spirit of Taizé, a French monastic community.
All are welcome. This is an ecumenical and interdenominational form of prayer.
Youth and young adults are especially encouraged to participate.
Taizé is a spirituality that is easy to experience and hard to describe.
Invite your friends and family.
When: Held Every Third Friday of the Month
Where: The Norbertine Priory Church of Santa Maria de la Vid @ 5825 Coors Blvd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87121 For more information you may contact the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Della @ (505) 831-8142 or dmontano@archdiosf.org Information is also available on our website: www.asfym.org and www.facebook.com/ASFYoungAdults
You can also go to the Norbertine Community site: www.norbertinecommunity.org/taize
Our new Archdiocese of Santa Fe Young Adult app is now available for Apple and Android products! You can download it for free in the App Store or Google Play Store by searching for ASF C Squared You can stay in the loop with parish events, communications and Catholic material. Link: http://myapp.parishapps.com/C%20Squared%20ASF This information is also available on our website: asfym.org/facebook.com/asfyoungadults and Instagram:asf_young_adults If you have any question, please feel free to contact the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. Della @ dmontano@archdiosf.org or (505) 831-8142
Archdiocese of Santa Fe (Check the ASF Website for up to date information) - Due to the increasing severity of the influenza season, Archbishop Wester directs the following steps be taken in regards to the celebration of Mass: Masks are not required for fully-vaccinated individuales. 1) During the Sign of Peace & during the Our Father physical contact is optional,some may still be uncomfortable with physical contact, instead of shaking hands or hugging, please simply nod your head toward one another and avoid bodily contact. 2) Those who are sick, sneezing or coughing are highly encouraged to stay home. Sunday television Masses are available in English & Spanish. It is not sinful to miss Mass on Sundays due to illness.
The Influenza virus is very virulent, causing deaths each year especially among the very young and the elderly. The Archdiocese institutes these directives not to limit their expression of faith, but rather as a preventative against a widespread & potentially deadly disease.
These directives will be revoked if and when the situation changes.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society Coodinator Lorriane Sandoval 505-864-4461
"St. Vincent de Paul Society" Our Mission Lord Jesus, deepen our Vincentian Spirit of friendship; make us responsive to the Christian calling to serve the needy of our community.
The Legion of Mary Would like to invite anyone to their meetings on Tuesdays at 10:00 in the Sacristy in Abeytas. The Legion of May offers at no charge the recitation of the Holy Rosary at funerals. Anyone wishing to have the Pilgrim Virgin in there homes please contact Mary Davis 385-3894. The Legion is sponsoring a Book Borrow, books are available to borrow in the narthex at Abeytas.
Euchristic Mininsters, Lectors (Readers of the Word), Alter Servers, Ushers, Legion of Mary, Music Ministry, Religious Education, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mayordomos.
If you are called by God to participate in a ministry please call the parish office at 505-864-4461.
Los requisitos son: Registro in la oficina 6 meses antes, asistir a su primer o segundo ano clase de confirmacion. Tambien tendran que participar en su parroquia, y que tendran que asistir a un retiro religioso catolica.
San Jose Mission, 16 Calle Alegre, Contreras, NM
Please feel free to email us.
Here to serve you:
Rev. Tobechukwu Patrick Oluoha, O.S.A - Pastor;
Karen Martinez - Administrative Assistant/Business Manager
Maxine Schmock - Secretary
We love our community, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
19 Calle De La Iglesia, La Joya, New Mexico 87028, United States
Parish Office 1056 Hwy 304/ PO Box 354 Veguita, NM 87062 Voice-(505) 864-4461- Fax-(505) 864-4461
Monday & Friday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am - 1pm
Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Sacramental Emergency
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